In order to rise form its own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn
In case you didn’t already know, I’m a big fan of the Xenogenesis (Lilith’s Brood) trilogy by Octavia Butler.
I went searching for a quote from the series to use as the title of this post, but decided to use the quote directly from the late Miss Butler herself, as it seems very fitting for what’s been going on.
And so, here is the first post from the all new site dedicated to my solo material.
As I was working on this brand new site for my music over the past couple of days I constantly asked myself what to do with the previous content. Should I import it in? Should I leave it where it is? Should I let it burn and die?
You see, the site that contains all that material is a mix match of Technical articles, blog posts, and music posts. It started out as a technical blog to brandmyself under the krichie moniker, and was simply blog.krichie.com. For over a decade I would not only post about technical issues, but also update my followers about my musical en-devours. And from time to time, I would always question… Should I just have something wholly different for my music.
Time would pass, and then I just applied music.krichie.com on top of that and started trying to transform what it was into just music, and left all the other technical blog posts there because they DID get quite a bit of traffic via blog.krichie.com. However, it still wasn’t what I really wanted. It wasn’t the look I wanted to brand my music site. There were too many limitations on the platform I was using, and way too costly to upgrade the plan there, for not only music.krichie.com but also my side projects binarywaste and VR, let alone my new company Other Worlds Than These Music.
“In order to rise from its own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn”
Octavia Butler
So I decided to leave the old material where it is, under blog.krichie.com and start anew and fresh with music.krichie.com which will from this point on, be purely about my music.
At some point, I may even retire blog.krichie.com (well, at least it’s domain mapping to the wordpress.com site it lives on) as the technical material there is on very very old technology. I have code.krichie.com I can use for technical stuff, but I digress.
So take a look around at the updated site and let me know what you think. And if you’re new, be sure to introduce yourself to me.
Till next time…
- Keith