My wife and I joined a local Vespa Day Parade this past Sunday and had a ton of fun.
It was great riding with other Vespa Lovers and to show off my new Vespa Sei Giorni.
Yes, that’s right… I ride a Vespa :).
My wife had a dragon red 2013 Vespa GTS 300ie Super (We just called it Red) that we got for her many years ago, and in 2019 she upgraded to a grey 2020 GTS Super 300 Tech (That we call Mr. Grey). I then began riding Red with her.
I was looking to upgrade to a newer bike myself, and let’s just say…. things happened that made me do that sooner rather than later :). So I picked up the limited edition 2020 GTV Sei Giorni (I call it Sir Gio) about a month or so ago. I am totally in love with it.
You can see our rides along with the other Vespi in the images above.
I also took the ride footage from the parade and created a video that you can watch below.
By the way, this video contains some currently unreleased songs of mine. Check it out when you have time!